JavaScript Samples: Variables in JavaScript

Learning a programming language is fun and inspiring, but sometimes it can get challenging. This excitement is probably what inspires people all around the world to give it a try and immerse themselves in the realm of variables, commands and coding. And it’s alright if you don’t feel motivated at times – learning how to code can get really difficult and frustrating. Knowing this, we started publishing JavaScript samples to help all the struggling students out there. Sometimes a single sentence or a string of code can make you realize what your mistake was and will be a real JavaScript homework help for you.

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Depending on the reason for the creation of your script, you will need to work with the information.

If you are making an Internet shop, you will work with the goods and the basket. If you create the chat, you will have visitors, messages and so on.

To store information, the variables are used.


The variable consists of a name and a dedicated memory which corresponds to it. To declare or, in other words, to create a variable, the keyword “var” is used:

var message;

After the declaration, you can write the data in the variable:

var message;
message = 'Hello'; // save a string in the variable

This data will be stored in the corresponding memory area and available in the future:

var message;
message = 'Hello!';
alert (message); // Displays the contents of a variable

You can combine the declaration of the variable and writing the data into it:

var message = 'Hello!';
It is possible to declare several variables at once:
var user = 'John', age = 25, message = 'Hello';

Variable names

There are two restrictions for variable names in Javascript:

  1. The name can consist of letters, numbers, symbols, and $ _
  2. The first character must not be a digit.

For example:

var myName;
var test123;
Such symbols as “$” or “_” are considered to be usual, like letters:
var $ = 1;
var _ = 2;

alert( $ + _ ); // 3
And such variables will be incorrect:
var 1a; // starts with a number

var my-name; //'-' is restricted
A constant is a value that never changes. They are usually called capitalized:
var COLOR_RED = "#F00";
var COLOR_GREEN = "#0F0";
var COLOR_BLUE = "#00F";
var COLOR_ORANGE = "#FF7F00";

var color = COLOR_ORANGE;
alert( color ); // #FF7F00

Technically, the constant is a usual variable and it can be changed. We just agree not to do that.

  1. COLOR_ORANGE is an understandable name. Using #FF7F00 is more complicated.
  2. It is much more simple to make a typo in such a string as #FF7F00. In COLOR_ORANGE it would be easier to notice.


In JavaScript, you can declare variables to store data. This is done using the var.

Technically, you can simply write the value of the variable and without declaration, but this is not recommended for several reasons.

Variables which are named CAPITALIZED are constants and never change. Usually, they are used for convenience.

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